What Are Dental Implants?
Tooth loss is a problem that can be caused by injury or periodontal diseases. The common treatment was dentures and bridges. The improvement of technology has brought us dental implants to replace lost teeth. We are going to get into detail about dental implants.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are replacements for lost teeth. The teeth are replaced from the root to the crown. They can either be temporary or mostly permanent replacements. Dental implant processes require both the patient and dentist to work together for successful treatment. There is development of dental treatment for the patient. The patient is then booked by a surgeon who has specialized in dental implants. The root which is made out of titanium is drilled into the jaw. The jawbone takes from 2-3 months to heal with the root embedded permanently. Once it has healed, the connector is added so that the new tooth can be added. The new tooth is designed to resemble the rest of the teeth.
Advantages Of Dental Implants
Dental implants help improve the appearance of the teeth and mouth. When put on they feel like the persons teeth. Dental implants improve speech. Speech is affected by the slip of the tongue. The slip can be attributed to poorly fitted dentures. Dental implants are fitted permanently in the mouth hence reducing the tongue slip. Dental implants make it easy and comfortable to eat. The implants function like normal teeth and hence is able to create a conducive environment for chewing. With dental implants, the confidence and self-esteem of a person are greatly improved. Dental implants are durable and improve the overall health of the teeth.
Application Of Implants.
People with healthy gums and teeth can undergo dental implant procedures. The patients are considered because they can hold the implants with their jaws and gums. There should necessary commitment to general oral cleanliness and health. People who smoke a lot as well as those suffering from chronic diseases need to undergo more tests. Dentists recommend first visiting them for tests to determine if you are viable for implants. Contact us for more on dental implants.