Reach Out To Us If You Were In An Auto Accident And Your Jaw Was Injured
When you get involved in an auto accident, you can sustain injuries in the jaw area. This may result in jaw pain and difficulties opening and closing your mouth. Some people tend to ignore such symptoms thinking they will disappear after some time. However, that is less likely to be the case, especially if it is a temporomandibular joint injury. Therefore, you need to come in for immediate treatment to avoid worsening the condition.
The Need For Immediate Treatment
After an auto accident, assuming that the jaw pain you are feeling will resolve on its own is very dangerous. You need to come in for a professional assessment that will help identify the exact cause of the pain. Diagnosing jaw pain is a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes. Understanding the cause of jaw pain is crucial in ascertaining whether it is a simple oral problem or will need surgery. Jaw pain could start when your head hits the window, dashboard, steering wheel, or any other object during an auto accident. Jaw injury could also be caused when an inflating airbag crushes into your head or face. Also, even if you had your seatbelt on, aggressive movements could sometimes injure the jaw.
Being one of the most complex joints in the body, TMJ can result in severe jaw pain when damaged. This joint links the jawbone to the base of your skull. It also covers a majority of the back head. This explains why you could also experience headaches when having TMJ disorder. In addition, the joint is essential because it allows your mouth to perform functions like speaking, eating, smiling, drinking, yawning, and singing, among others. Therefore, it is essential to visit our offices for treatment when you notice jaw pain after an auto accident. Contact us for more information on jaw pain.