Diagnosis And Treatment Of TMJ Disorder In Oms
The temporomandibular joint disorder includes a collection of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal anomalies of the TMJ muscle and surrounding bony structures. TMJ is caused by several factors like genetic causes, environmental, emotional, social, and mental factors. Diagnosis involves an examination of the patient’s medical history and a thorough physical assessment. Diagnosis is also beneficial when there is a suspicion of malocclusion or abnormalities. Treatment involves invasive and non-invasive procedures, including educating the patient, self-care, occlusal appliances, physical, pharmaceutical, and cognitive therapy.
Management Of TMJ Disorder
Management of TMJ disorder in OMS encompasses surgical procedures that are minimally and more invasive approaches. Before surgery is decided on, the dentist must recommend other conservative approaches to ensure minimal risks to the jaw during surgery. The procedure must be personalized to fit the patient’s condition to ensure precision and successful results. TMJ arthroscopy is an outpatient procedure performed by an OMS surgeon. The surgeon makes small incisions on the jawbone to dislodge the disk and remove inflamed tissue or jaw bone spurs.
Arthrocentesis is another minimally invasive surgical procedure for TMJ disorder. The dentist injects fluids into the jaw joint using tiny needles to rinse out the jaw off inflammatory debris and triggers from the joint tissue. The surgeon could also increase the oral space through modified condyloma to avoid jaw locking.
Open joint surgery or arthroplasty is an extra invasive procedure where the OMS surgeon repairs the jaw joint and the articulation disc to treat TMJ disorder. The operation requires to be sedated, and the procedure may require the patient to spend a day or two in the hospital recovery room. Another invasive procedure is joint replacement surgery. The surgeon makes a huge incision to remove the inflamed jaw joint and replace it with a prosthetic device that will function like a joint and disc. This surgery also requires sedation and hospitalization.