Dallas Center for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Am I A Candidate For Implants?

Here at Dallas Center for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, we have first to ascertain that you are eligible for a particular dental procedure before we perform it on you.
Different medical and health conditions could rule out some people from certain dental procedures. Dental implants placement is one such procedure. In instances where someone is not eligible, there are pre-procedures that we can carry out to make them eligible. Below we explore the aspects that our dentists check before declaring you eligible for dental implants.
This is arguably the most important aspect during a dental implant procedure. Dental implants are titanium posts that are planted into the jawbone. The jawbone acts as the anchor for the implants. There has to be enough jawbone volume to hold the implants. For instance, young people whose jawbones are still growing cannot undergo the procedure.
The good news is that you can get a bone grafting procedure. Our dentists will recommend a bone grafting procedure if they discover you do not have enough jawbone. It is a surgical procedure in which a foreign piece of bone is added to your jawbone to create more volume. -
Your gums will also be supporting the crowns or bridges you get after getting dental implants. They must be in perfect condition. If you have any gum infections, they have to be treated first before you get dental implants. Gum infections will deteriorate and affect the jawbone if they are not rectified in time. Infected gums would eventually cause damage to the jawbone and hence, the implants.
Heavy smokers and drinkers might not be eligible for the procedure. Dental implant placement is a surgical procedure that requires a strong immune system to heal. Substance abuse suppresses the immune system and causes much damage to the mouth in particular. Our dentists will evaluate you to determine your eligibility.
Diabetic people might also not be eligible for the procedure. Diabetes causes the immune system to be weak. Diabetic people are also at the risk of bleeding excessively. Our dentists will rule you out of a dental implants placement procedure if your diabetic condition poses a significant risk.
Pregnant women have an unstable immune system as well. The dental implants placement procedure would place too much pressure on their bodies, especially when the pregnancy is already in the second trimester. Our dentists can make an exception If the pregnancy is still very young, and they are confident you can heal by the time you get to the second trimester.
It is important to note that the mentioned health conditions do not necessarily rule you out at their mention. It depends on the severity of these problems and how significant the risk they pose is. Call Dallas Center for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at 972-733-0414 today to learn more about dental implants placement, and your eligibility. We have a team of specialists who are always happy to assist, so let us help you.

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